
【イベント告知】2021/10/31 そらよみヤミー 無料本交換会 & こどもたちに無料クッキーあり! 無料秋冬こども服コーナー有り

English Follows

無料 本 交換会 開催します!



今度の日曜日 10月31日(日)10時ー12時 @和光市樹林公園 メインストリート (自動販売機近く)✨ 





この日は なんと!

有名パティスリー ア・ラ・カンパーニュ さんが、クッキーを そらよみヤミーにたくさん寄付してくださいました。



当日はハロウィーンなので、こども限定で 先着150名にクッキーをお配りさせて頂きます!





sdgswako@gmail.com まで


Free  Book Swap on October 31, 2021 from 10am-noon!

We will also have some free kids clothes for Autumn / Winter!


Location: Wako-shi Jyurin park (main street near bending macines)


Special Event: Free cookies for kids (First 150 kids!)

The famous pastry shop,  à la campagne, has kindly donated cookies to Sorayomi Yummy!!!

They got to know Sorayomi Yummy's involvement in food pantry in the area and kindly decided to take part in giving what they do best. 




Join us at the Sorayomi Yummy Book Swap this Sunday!

If you do not have books or clothes to bring from home, that's fine. You don't need to bring anything.

Please take home any books or clothes you are interested in. Free of charge.


The swap program can reduce the disposal of books and clothes and create a reuse environment. We are also hoping to provide a safe and friendly encounters through book readings.


If you have any questions, please contact
